Billing Management

To manage billing your clients, ProjectReactor has the ability to tag time entries (for time and materials based work) and deliverables (for fixed price work) to an invoice. The process is quite simple. At some point in the project you (the project manager) will decide to bill the client for outstanding work. To determine which fixed price work can be billed, click on the 'Reports' tab and run the 'Work Not Invoiced' report. Print the page to get a copy of the deliverables you are about to tag, if required. Click the checkboxes next to the deliverables to be tagged to an invoice, type in an invoice number and click the button to set the number. The invoices will be tagged and disappear from this report as they are now invoiced.


For time and materials deliverables, you (the project manager) need to tag each time entry with an invoice number. Click the 'Reports' tab, then run the 'Time Entries' report. Select the appropriate filter options, tag the time entries, enter an invoice number and click the button to set the number. The time entries will be tagged to the invoice number and the invoice number will be clickable. Click the invoice number in the view to produce a summarised report of time by day and costcode/project.